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Alf Foster


Alf Foster | STC - AustraliaAlf’s first involvement with the world of sales came early in life as he travelled with his father, who was a contracting sales person. He became fascinated with the process of walking into a business, selling something, writing an invoice and leaving!

Alf’s own first sales role was with Furlongs Furnishings where he used the commission he made to put a deposit on his first home, just before his 19th birthday. Alf has worked successfully as a sales person, account manager, territory manager, areas sales manager and business development manager in the UK and New Zealand.

As his sales career advanced he found he was gaining greater satisfaction from developing the skills of others. This was confirmed when he saw a business rapidly grow after staff were given the relevant skills to drive sales via an STC delivered sales training program, which he later reinforced through sales coaching. Since then he has successfully held senior management roles in sales and project management including overseeing a multiple acquisition integration, procurement & contracting, strategic & business planning and revenue generation. These positions span start-ups, family businesses and large corporations.

Prior to joining STC, Alf held leadership positions within a number of international corporations including Sanitarium, Staples, Crown Equipment Corporation, Virgin Media and Holmes Place.

He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from The University of Auckland, is a Certified Practitioner of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and an Accredited Practitioner of the Human Synergistics Group and Lifestyles Inventories. Alf now resides in South Australia with his young family.

 PG Dip Business Administration, MBTI® Certified Practitioner, Human Synergistics® Accredited Practitioner

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Call us now to discuss your sales challenge on 021 736 462

STC, 300 Richmond Road, Grey Lyn, Auckland 1021 NZ
t:+64 21 736 462
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